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Shattered Worlds RPG

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Sep 13, 2018

  • Welcome back, gunslinger! Hope you're enjoying these eps so far. Eventually these'll have music and sound effects and maybe even voice actors for some of the NPCs, but for now enjoy these raw edits as we knock them out. Hope to see you all in January when we drop Episode One of the group campaign!

This is the fourth of several Backstories episodes, featuring Andrea Dennison as Magnus Bane. If you'd like to help us make more of these, and especially to help us add music, spend more time editing, to create art for the facebook page, or all that other stuff that makes actual play pods so much fun, please consider donating to our Patreon. It's not up just yet, but it will be very soon. Until then you can help us out in a myriad of ways. Email us at: 

Help us make the best show we possibly can make, and make something that you can feel proud to have been a part of. Together, we can save the multiverse! 


PS The system we're using to play this game is called Space Kings. It's a super robust, fast, exciting, and easy to play game created by the awesomely cool and funny Kevin Cole of the podcast Pretend Friends. Find him on twitter: @RealKevinCole