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Shattered Worlds RPG

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Aug 31, 2017

In this thrilling episode, we meet local celebrity Drew Buck and his Lunari Bounty Hunter, Jok'Tot "Rustling Leaves" Gibson. Ex-cop, all man. Gibson is on the hunt for information regarding a missing young man on behalf of his worried mother, an influential judge. His mission has taken him to Antares Asteroid Base I,...

Aug 13, 2017

In this thrilling episode, Yifram has a visit from an old friend, Glumpnorf stands up to his captain, and Nastia struggles to save the good doctor.

Thanks for listening to the sidequest! If you like what you heard, go ahead and check out the rest of our fine episodes!


Closing Song: "Hiding Your Reality" by Kevin...

Aug 13, 2017

In this thrilling episode, Glumpnorf (Steve) tries to reach the lifeboats with the Captain, while Zilisam (Kayvin) and Nastia try to rescue the doctor. Lots of foolishness in this one! And guns!



Aug 2, 2017

In this thrilling part 2 of our first Shattered Worlds Sidequest, The Wrong Wire, Kayvin DaClown continues to do awesome stuff in his role as Zilisam the Cursed. He's fast, he's sharp, and he's so, so boss. B-boy style with discipline. Steve finds out things are worse than he thought. Captain Brannon loses his...

Aug 1, 2017

In this thrilling inaugural episode of our Shattered Worlds Sidequest Series, we bring you The Wrong Wire, a tale of daring heroes and elite levels of athleticism. And throw in a gigantic Gilimorean trying to defuse a bomb. Good times!

Olympia standup comedian Kayvin DaClown joined us for this one. He's great!

And stay...